Bryant Square Neighborhood of Canoga Park, CA
Bryant Square concludes 2584 residents that are an average of 54 years old. 55% of people in this place of Los Angeles County in California own home. Some favorite items in Bryant Square are Trader Joe’s, Ralphs (grocery store), Al Italiano, Chi Chi’s Pizza (Italian Restaurant). Bryant Square is also famous for coffee shops, bars, dessert spots, bookstores, etc.
Interests and Facilities
The population of Bryant Square is interested in gardening work, tea-drinking, Dogs, Home improvement and DIY, camping, cooking, Travel, and a few decent habits. People here love to keep privacy and also become very friendly. The neighbors love this beautiful place for its shopping facilities, walkability, Architecture, Atmosphere, Birds, and Trees. If you are planning to visit Bryant Square, you can start your packing.
Schools Near Bryant Square
Brayant sqaure is located with several scool and colleges. The following are shows you the nearest school and college of Bryant square.
- Pierce college requires 12 minutes (4.6 miles) to reach from Bryant square
- California state university at Northridge 13 minutes (5.2 miles) from Bryant square
- Valley college 25 minutes (13.9 miles) from Bryant square
Transportations are available in Bryant square, including Nordhoff is located 0.9 miles, Bob Hop is 15.1 miles or 29 minutes, Roscoe is 1 mile or 3minutes, and Sherman Way is 2.3 miles or 6 minutes from Bryant square.
Shopping Center
There are three shopping centers located near this neighborhood. They are Desoto Plaza center, strip center at 8841- 8859 Canoga Ave, Strip center at 20901 Roscoe Blvd within o.7 miles, which is required only 14 minutes to walk.
There are seven parks in Bryant square, which is within 5.2 miles or 11 minutes, including Orcutt Ranch Horticultural Center, nature bridge at cannel island, limekiln state park, Cal state botanic garden, etc.