Old Town, Canoga Park, CA Neighborhood
Old Town is situated near Canoga Park with a total of 8066 populations, among them 36% of homeowners. The average age is 46 years of Old Town people. You can make a holiday plan in Old Town because your expected restaurants are available here. Grand Italiani (Italian restaurant), The Yard Thai Cuisine (Asian restaurant) Great Wall Restaurant are notifying. You will get a facility of pet care provider that is “Value Vet.” The people of this town are amicable and also dog lovers. They like restaurants, walkability, hiking, food, diversity, convenient mentality, and a peaceful environment.

Interests and Behavior
The top interests of this neighborhood of Canoga Park are Walking, Home improvement and DIY, Gardening and Landscaping, Baking, Cooking, Dogs, Hiking and trails, BBQ & Grilling, Enjoying live music.
Sherman way is the main street of Canoga Park near the old town. This neighborhood is the center for the pacific electric railway and the red car. In addition, it is an agricultural community that grew slowly into a beautiful city. Green thumb nursery is another lovely place near oldtown which provides high-quality plants. The people living here love to travel, hike, seeing live music, BBQ, baking, and Grill.