The ideal temperature for a water heater is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This setting discourages the growth of bacteria and is comfortable for personal use. However, you may want to raise this temperature higher than this to prevent health risks. Raising the temperature above this level may cost you $50 per year or more. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends a temperature of 140 degrees. It’s important to check the manufacturer’s manual for further information.

The recommended temperature for a water heater is between 120 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if you don’t observe the ideal temperature, it is wise to call a plumber. A temperature over or below this range can cause the water heater to grow bacteria and create a health risk. If this happens, you may get pneumonia or Legionnaire’s disease. The recommended temperature range for a water heating unit is 120 to 140 degrees.
The temperature of a water heater varies. The temperature you choose depends on the number of elements in the house. Often, homeowners set the thermostat too low. Not only will they experience cold showers, but they are also allowing bacteria to grow in the tank. Specifically, water at an elevated temperature promotes the growth of Legionella, which is a bacterium that causes severe flu-like illness. The recommended temperature for a water heater is between 120 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
A high water heater setting is recommended for most homes. Using water below 120 degrees will make your showers uncomfortable and potentially cause bacteria to grow in the tank. Even though this temperature may be beneficial in preventing Legionella, it can be dangerous for your health. A water heater set to 120 degrees can make your showers less enjoyable, but it can also lead to a health risk if you live in a house where the temperature is below the ideal temperature.
The EPA recommends a water heater set at 120 degrees for safety reasons. While this is too hot for many people, it’s still safe for babies. And a 120 degree water heater will save you up to $461 a year in energy bills. While it may not be ideal for everyone, it’s a good starting point for any household. You can also lower the temperature if your family has small children.
Water that is too hot can cause serious health issues for sensitive people. For example, exposure to 150-degree water can cause third-degree burns in two seconds. Thus, it’s safer for babies and for your energy bills to lower the temperature. It’s also safe for children under three to use a 130 degree water heater. If you are worried about your family’s health, it’s best to keep the temperature at this level.
In addition to being a safety hazard, a water heater set too high is not healthy for anyone. For example, a temperature of 150 degrees can cause third-degree burns in only two seconds. The optimal temperature for a water heater should be between 121-140 degrees, but it is entirely up to your personal preference. If you have young children, the optimal water temperature for a water-heater should be 120 degrees.
Although the ideal temperature for a water heater is a personal choice, a high temperature can be harmful. If you have children, it is not recommended to turn the water heater above 140 degrees. This will waste water and energy and could cause serious illnesses. If you have older children, the higher temperature is better for their health. This will protect your family from certain ailments and save you money in the long run. It is important to follow the guidelines for the best water heater.
The best temperature for water heater should not be too high or too low. Hot water can be drying to the skin, so you should choose a lower temperature if you are not comfortable with hot water. The Department of Energy recommends that you use 120 degrees Fahrenheit for safety and 140 degrees for efficiency. In addition to this, the recommended temperature for water heaters will prevent scalding and will prevent the growth of bacteria in the unit.